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Transforming banking: the power of chatbots in customer service

Last updated 28 November 2023
Customer Experience

Banking chatbots are virtual assistants that use natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence (AI) to provide financial services and customer support through chat interfaces. By using conversational AI interfaces, financial services allow customers to easily interact with their structure at any time, from anywhere, without the need for human intervention.

Let’s discover how AI-generated chatbots can help banking companies accomplish their daily requirements…

Banking chatbots, you said?

Yes! Over the last few years, chatbots have emerged as a solution to support the increasing need for real-time customer support. When a customer or a user needs an answer, they need it now - without additional delay. However, their potential goes beyond just providing customer assistance. These cutting-edge and interactive robots can also be utilized within organizations for internal purposes.

Chatbots can take on various forms depending on their intended use, each offering a unique set of capabilities.

There are four main types of chatbots that serve different purposes. Each type of chatbot has its own set of functionalities that can help businesses streamline their operations and improve their overall efficiency:

Rule-based chatbots:

Using established rules and decision trees, these chatbots rely on preset guidelines for interacting with customers, ensuring swift and precise answers to standard questions. Rule-based chatbots excel at managing regular customer questions, like checking balances or facilitating fund transfers, and they also lighten the load for human customer service agents.

Self-learning chatbots:

Using machine learning algorithms to improve their interactions with customers over time, self-learning chatbots are able to analyze data from past interactions and adjust their responses to provide more accurate and personalized support. By continuously learning and improving, they can improve the customer experience and provide more advanced services, such as fraud detection and financial planning advice.

Task-oriented chatbots:

Designed to complete specific tasks or actions for customers, these chatbots are programmed to perform actions such as fund transfers, bill payments, loan applications and more. By automating routine tasks, task-oriented chatbots can help banks and financial institutions reduce operational costs and improve efficiency.

Conversational chatbots:

Coupling chatbots with artificial intelligence (AI), conversational chatbotsprovides a more human-like interaction with customers. Able to understand and interpret customer queries and respond in a conversational manner, making interactions feel more personal and natural, conversational chatbots are particularly useful for complex financial inquiries, as they can provide detailed information and advice in a user-friendly manner.

How can banking chatbots help you on a daily basis?

Understanding how chatbots work, financial services have often taken them into consideration to improve efficiency, reduce operational costs, and enhance their overall customer experience.

Let’s get into the specifics by putting ourselves in the customers' shoes, shall we?

Improve customer service:

Are you tired of customers waiting on hold or being passed from agent to agent when they call your bank's customer service line? Well, fear not, because banking chatbots are here to save the day! These innovative and interactive robots can provide 24/7 support to customers, responding to inquiries in real-time and providing personalized assistance. And let's face it, they never take a coffee break or call in sick!

Provide personalized services:

Do you want to offer your customers a personalized customer experience without breaking the bank on staffing costs? Chatbots can provide tailored financial advice, recommendations and support to each customer, helping to build trust and loyalty over time. If trained properly, a chatbot could be used as a personal financial advisor, analyzing customer’s history and preferences to deliver them the best financial guidance. Programmed to be non-judgmental, they’re somehow preferred by customers (who don't especially like to be judged on their last impulse purchase).

Gather customer insights:

Everybody has a manager to inform or a team to drive. How to improve your services and product without data? Chatbots can gather customer insights through their interactions with customers, analyzing their inquiries and behaviors to identify common pain points and areas for improvement. Plus, they can provide valuable feedback to bank managers and analysts to help them fine-tune their offerings and stay ahead of the competition.

Improve internal processes and communication:

Do you ever feel like your internal processes and communication could use a facelift?

Chatbots can streamline internal workflows, reducing errors and improving efficiency. Providing a centralized platform for teams to communicate and share information, improving collaboration and coordination within the organization, they also can be used for new employee onboarding, delivering all needed informations to maximize their adaptation to their new working environment.

Challenges of implementing chatbots

Chatbots may seem like the perfect solution to all of the financial industry's woes, but let's be real - there are a few challenges to using them effectively (besides the occasional robot uprising, of course 🙂).

Selecting the right chatbot solution:

Choosing the right chatbot solution for your needs can be like finding a needle in a haystack - if the haystack was a sprawling tech landscape and the needle, a robot with the perfect balance of smarts and charm. With so many options available, it can be tough to know which solution will meet your organization's unique goals.

Tips: Opt for a conversational AI platform provider, with real experience about your industry. Check their case studies, consult their webinars, ask for references and, importantly, check out any relevant live chatbots they may have. Financial services come with its own requirement list that the solution needs to cover.

Ensure seamless integration with existing systems:

Integrating a chatbot into an existing banking system is a challenging task. It requires significant planning to ensure that the chatbot can integrate seamlessly without causing any disruptions to existing workflows.

Tips: When managers realize they'll need to dedicate a full team of developers for weeks or months to integrate the solution they paid for, they start to reconsider it. If you can choose, opt for a no-code chatbotto avoid such additional costs and delays.

Train your system properly:

Training a chatbot is like teaching a toddler how to speak - it takes time, patience, and a lot of trial and error. Financial services chatbots need to understand complex products, services, and industry jargon, while appropriately responding to customer inquiries about them.

Tips: Have your AI trainers prepare a list of all the intents customers may ask for and regularly monitor, classify and add new ones, recently discovered :

Ensure regulatory compliance:

Complying with strict data privacy and security regulations is a significant challenge for financial services when handling sensitive customer information and using them with their chatting solution technology.

Tips: Achieving ISO 27001 certification can help demonstrate compliance with these regulations, but it requires a considerable investment of time and resources. This certification serves as a helpful tool in meeting regulatory compliance obligations, but financial services must ensure that their chatbot solutions are also designed to meet these requirements.

Balance chatbots use with human customer service representatives:

Finding the right balance here can be quite tricky for financial services. While chatbots can handle routine inquiries and provide quick responses, more complex issues may require a human touch. Additionally, ensuring a seamless transition from chatbots to human representatives can be challenging, requiring careful coordination and training.

Tips: Customer support agents may also already be asking themselves “Will robots take my job?”. Take the time to explain to them how the chatbot is going to be used and how it will support them.

Successful banking chatbot implementations:

Let’s find out about some recent banking chatbot examples and case studies!


DNB Bank is the largest financial services group in Norway, offering a wide range of banking and financial products to individuals, businesses, and institutional clients. It is headquartered in Oslo and has operations in several countries around the world. Check out how DNB transformed customer service operations and enhanced human agent efficiency with conversational AI.


Nordea Bank is a pan-Nordic financial services group, offering banking and financial services to individuals, businesses, and institutional clients in the Nordic region and beyond. It is headquartered in Helsinki, Finland, and has operations in several European countries. Check how Nordea employs a comprehensive conversational AI strategy to scale customer service across four markets.


Íslandsbanki is a leading Icelandic bank, offering a wide range of banking and financial services to individuals, businesses, and institutional clients in Iceland and beyond. It is headquartered in Reykjavik, Iceland, and has a strong presence in the Icelandic financial market. Check how it automated 50% of all chat traffic in just 6 months.

New Chatbot Trends:

From enhanced natural language processing to machine learning capabilities, chatbots are becoming more sophisticated and efficient than ever before. Let’s discover which new features will be brought to the table in the coming months:

Voice-enabled chatbots:

As our voices can now control almost anything, from our phones to our homes, it's no surprise that voice-enabled banking chatbots are the next big thing! Offering a seamless and hands-free banking experience, voice bots can conduct transactions, answer questions, and provide personalized recommendations, quickly becoming a must-have feature for any modern banking institution.

Large Language Models:

Large Language Models (LLMs) are the latest buzz in chatbot technology, bringing a revolutionary shift in the way financial institutions interact with their customers. With their ability to understand natural language, infer context, and generate coherent responses, LLMs have proven to be a powerful tool in personalizing customer interactions and streamlining internal processes. Get ready to witness a new era of banking chatbots that can learn from every interaction and deliver exceptional customer experiences!

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